hi everyone, i'm new here. i picked up a minibrute yesterday. love the overall design, sawtooth animation and metallizer are really great additions to the otherwise classic layout, and the filter, well it certainly is different, etc etc.
but i immideately heard that something seems to be wrong with the (sub osc) sine and (main osc) triangle waveforms: there are some very noticeable, sawtooth-like hamonics there that don't belong in a sine/triangle.
so i hooked it up to my scope to see what's wrong, and sure enough both the sine and triangle show some strange dents (see pictures attached; sorry for blurry snapshots, but i think you can see what i'm talking about).
so my question is: can these two waveforms be calibrated for better sine and triangle shape somehow? or is this a quirk that i'll simply have to live with?