I must say that unfortunately that sounds so familiar. Problems with Origin's knobs. I've had those too; my first unit was so horrible that it had to return it and cancel the whole deal. These knobs are obviously the weakest part of it. It must be also a nightmare to Arturia as well; so many malfunctioning Origins and angry customers and retailers. In fact, I'd like to know how large is this problem in general; is it perhaps that almost all of us have some kind of knob problems? I am sure that there are quite lot of users that have decided to just tolerate some (minor) knob issues.
But things get even worse: it seems to me that fixing/replacing knobs is far from easy. And this is probably something that cannot be done elsewhere but in France. Speaking about repairing, Origin is also badly designed: you may have to replace the whole panel to fix one knob. This cost plus shipping costs plus probably months waiting. And also risk of getting new problems when it's on the road. Yes, this is a nightmare. I know cause I've been there.
I also know that these knob issues aren't any way cause of bad care of Origin. My own quite new Origin Kb (kept only at home with extreme care) is having malfunctioning of "the big knob" (read other thread). I've tried to get an idea from Arturia but as we know their customer service isn't very good either. The big knob issue seems similar: to fix it you have to send it to France and they will replace the whole panel.
Sorry to sound little negative but I think I know a little what I am talking about. I too love my both Origins but these endless knob issues drive me crazy sometimes...