Back in the days of Spark 1.4 when there were lots of new ideas coming through, I mentioned on here as many others did. Why, when adding spark into a DAW do you get only 15 outs, when you have 16 drums? Why do these also start at ch 2 and not ch 1? In something like Kontact you have similar operation where you can muli out an instrument and output via the plug in menu, but the difference being you can start at ch 1. Is this possible, so that we can just route ch 1 through to ch 16 to the normal pads. As it is we have to decide what drum we aren't going to use and edit the patch accordingly. Do we use 16 pads in a session, probably not, but with other sampling capabilities Spark has, it's useful to have as much in a single plug in as possible.
Thanks, Stuart