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Arturia Forums

Author Topic: Arturia Analog Lab 49 faders knobs not working with Reason 5  (Read 3276 times)


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    • Ashram
I just bought Analog Lab 49 and trying to use it as a standalone midi controller to control Propellerhead Reason 5. Usually it should be simple in Reason (at least it was with my old M-Audio Axiom, also few times with a CME), just right click and move a fader in your controller and save. But in Analog Lab, most of the knobs-Faders are not responding to it, funnily some are, for example Fader 1 (attack 1) is working, but Faer 2 & 3 (Decay 1 & Sus 1) not, again Release 1 is and rest not, same for Knobs & Transport panel!
I already spent almost 36hrs in last 48hrs trying all kind of combinations found in Arturia web/forum support (including a much viewed MMC control advice for Transport), no luck.

I'm really new in this, it would be really kind if someone experienced help me with some advice.
Thanks in advance for your time..


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