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Author Topic: Minibrutes outputs noise when key is pressed and all waveforms are at 0  (Read 4907 times)


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I am trying to use the Audio In, with the Gate set to KBD. I connect the midi in port of the MB and the audio in to another synth, audio in slider is maxxed and all other waveforms are set to 0. When I press a key I can hear noise from my MB.


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Isn't that the noise that your other synth produces?


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    • JonnyX and the Groadies web-blag
Can you please clarify your setup?

MIDI output of MB to MIDI input of other synth.
Audio output of other synth into external audio input of MB.
External audio fader on MB maxed.
Gate switch set to keyboard.

If set up as such, then yes, when you hit a key on your MB you would indeed trigger you other synth via MIDI and its audio would route back through the MB.

When you say "noise" do you mean a click, or hiss, or something like a noise generator (white/pink)?

What kind of patch do you have on the external synth? Set it to something simple/recognizable and make sure any transposition is deactivated.  If you're not getting the expected output from your other synth, plug its audio output directly into something besides the MB to verify that it's getting the MIDI from the MB and behaving correctly.  Also, make sure the other synths output is high enough, the MB needs a very hot signal in its external audio in.



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My setup is, Ultranova midi out to Minibrute midi in, then Phones Out from MB to Audio in Ultranova, and 2 of the 4 outputs of the Ultranova to the Audio in of the MB, then the other 2 outputs of the Ultra go in my audio interface. The first two outputs of the ultra send only Syth sounds and the other two (that go in the audio interface) send the audio from the Ultra inputs.
So, with this setup when I have an Init Patch on the Ultra (just a sawtooth) and all waveforms on MB are down I can hear the noise/hiss from the MB and the sawtooth from the Ultra. So, I guess when the gate of the MB is opened it outputs that hiss.


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For the sake of testing I think you should simplify things temporarily:

Audio OUT from Ultra, to Audio IN of MB, nothing else.

On MB make sure all settings are "neutral" i.e. resonance is not turned up, cutoff is open all the way, all waveforms are down, brute factor is turned down, etc.

Turn Audio In slider up.

Hold down a key on MB to open the gate, or on back of MB switch to to Hold mode.  Play keys on Ultra and you should hear your sawtooth.  Do you still hear the hiss then?

One thing to consider is that the audio in on the MB is configured for very high volume input, and most consumer synths seem to come through very quiet/weak.  So if that is happening, and then somewhere along the process of routing the MB back into the Ultra and into your DAW, if that overall signal is getting amplified so you can hear your Ultra (through the MB) at a normal level, then it's very possible the "noise" in the signal is getting amplified that much more as well... thus causing something not normally very audible to become overly apparent... just speculation anyway :)


  • Apprentice
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Seems my MB outputs the noise. If all waves are at 0 and i push a key I can hear low noise in the headphones. So, if I have just the Ultra to the MB audio in  and play a key on the Ultra (gate set to kb) I hear the Ultra but with extra noise from the MB.
I'm not sure if all MB do the same or not. Makes the Audio In not useful at all.


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oh umad bro??


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just wondering if all MB do the same, or it's something wrong with mine


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sorry idk why i wrote that lol

i know mine does it as well, sometimes more than other times. depends on static interference and the such.

headphone output is noisier in my experience as well.

make sure that you crank of the volume of the ultranova out before it goes into the minibrute...minibrute needs a high level of input


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    • my discogs page
Mine does this too.

There's another thread about the problem of the sound of the oscillator leaking:

Seems it has something to do with grounding.


  • Apprentice
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i've put in a ticket, will let you know what they say - waiting a reply since one week. As the MB outputs noise without having any other gear connected to it, it seems to me as being a grounding issue of the MB.


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