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Author Topic: Clicks/Pops & Running Oscillator  (Read 2512 times)


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Clicks/Pops & Running Oscillator
« on: March 22, 2013, 01:18:45 am »
I've realise that when I turn all the oscillator waveform sliders completely down, I can still hear the oscillator playing very faintly, with the tone corresponding to whatever key I hit.  From research, it's suggested this is a grounding issue?  It is minor, but can it be fixed?

What's causing more concern for me though is that EVERY time I hit a key, there seems to be a click or pop sound.  When the oscillator is active (sliders up) I believe it is there but hard to notice unless the arp is on with a low release setting.  If the oscillator is disengaged (as in, all waveform sliders totally down) I can hear the isolated clicks each time I press key (along with faint oscillator tone mentioned in last paragraph) - and if I have the arp on, naturally, the clicks play in sync repeatedly to the arp.

Is this normal?  What can I do to rectify these issues?


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Re: Clicks/Pops & Running Oscillator
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2013, 04:11:57 pm »
the clicks are normal, if you are using very fast envelopes attack, and/or release. It allows you to get percussive sound. to get rid of theses clicks, increase a bit attack and release sliders, or switch to slow mode
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