Main advantage of vst or computer integration in general? I must say I have not 100% clear picture that all of us talking about better integration have same target.
There are two environments to separate here, I suppose:
1. Integration with computer with some standalone software. Origin Connection is something like that. IMO there is lot of room for improvement here. For example, I don't really like the way checking some sounds / sound banks is done with Origin. You have to allways find a empty memory location for a multi > programs > sequences. And then erasing all those parts of it, if you choose not to have it. All this for just listening to one multipreset! In my Microkorg editor if you just press a preset in screen it will immediately transport it to synth for checking it out. And it will replace a current multi in synths memory but does not do any permanent change if you don't save it. I think this is something which should really make difference with Origin too to make things easier. Other problem for good workflow is that when you move a program preset to another memory location it will now disturbe all the multis which use this preset. Should be made differently.
2. Integration inside some DAW. This is what people mean with vst integration, I suppose. I might call it plugin (AU, vst etc.) integration. Main idea is that when you open a project in Logic/Cubase/Live etc. you will have an Origin plugin which will automatically have all special settings (in this case it would be a project specific multi?). The big advantage here is that Origin itself does not need to have this "multi" in its own memory. All the relevant data is saved in DAW project. Virus plugin (Virus Control) works like that. I would really welcome this improvement.
Then there is the question about editor: in principal it's a program to edit anything (programs, multis, system settings) in computer screen with mouse. I know that many users here prefer no-mouse-editing with knobs but personally I wouldn't mind have BOTH. Some things like JP8 template (or perhaps CS-80 in future
) would be great to have in 22 inch screen and Arturia allready has designed graphical GUIs for them in V-series. Editor could be in both environments (standalone or in plugin). BTW for me this editor isn't any more priority number one, cause I have Origin keyboard. In KB there's a great editing workflow, cause you have your module just in the right place. Earlier when I had desktop placed not near its controller keyboard this was much bigger issue. Still some things like messing with templates or re-organizing modules might be fun in bigger screen and with mouse...
To sum it, it is about workflow: with Origin itself it's great but when connected to computer there's lot of room for improvement.
Well this was my explanation of integration. Please correct if I am missing something...