I'm not sure if my gui problem was understood properly or if I explained it well.
Let's say I load Spark VDM on a track, it opens up, then
- click BOTTOM, to open the bottom panel (it opens up with an annoying animation)
- click SNARE to open up the snare editor
- tweak say, attack
Now at this point I realize that I need to change my midi arrangment, because of the new snare sound. I have to first click somewhere in Studio One (because V shortcut is stolen by Spark) and then press V to hide Spark to be able to see the piano roll, I edit the snare part and press V again to show Spark VDM. I'm back in Spark CENTER screen and I need to do this again:
- click BOTTOM, to open the bottom panel (it opens up with an annoying animation)
- click SNARE to open up the snare editor
- tweak say, attack
So everytime I edit something that's not on the main panel and hide/show the plugin, it defaults back to the CENTER screen, TOP and BOTTOM closed. If you want to simultanously edit the arrangment and the sound, you need to move the plugin pane around the screen and keep it open not to loose the place you were editing.
This is not the case with for example Geist. If I edit some of the tabbed sub screens in Geist, it remembers where I was and I don't need to go there everytime I show/hide (or even close) the plugin.
The shortcut stealing is amazingly annoying too, because also <space> (=start/stop) is stolen by Spark. I have a LOT of plugins and Spark is the only plugin that does this. All this makes it really difficult to do any proper work in Studio One with Spark VDM without getting high blood pressure levels.