« on: January 03, 2013, 02:14:21 pm »
Hi all happy new year, It, good to see that cubase 7 has drag and drop now for third party plugins .you can now search your entire sample library in mediabay and drop them straight into spark .this has sped up the time it takes for me to make kits and beats.
happy beat making
ARTURIA Tester for Minifreak,All software Polybrute,Keystep pro,Audiofuse range, Microfreak,Kl49mkII,DrumBrute,Spark,Analog lab3,KLE,kl88,matrix12,Semv,Beatstep,Minibrute 2,Pigments
ASC,Vcol6, Beatstep pro, VCOL8, Synclavier v.Minibrute2s