I am looking for a PM synth with a decent sax sound to use with my WX7. Unfortunately, Yamaha does not seem to sell the celebrated VL70m here in Europe. So this Brass sounds good as a possibility, but how does it sound in practice? I still haven't managed to activate the licence of the demo. To me, the sax in the music samples provided really sounds like a baritone kazoo. There is some enjoyable expressiveness there, but the basic sound is just wrong. So instead of arguing about what PM can do with practice, why can't somebody post a link to a more decent example of a sax sound from the Brass.
I don't, by the way, completely buy the argument about practice. I know from experience what is involved in playing a real sax, how it reacts to all kinds of things. But using a wind controller, I can actually only control breath and lip pressure. There is no way for the PM synth to be aware of my mouth cavity, how open my throat is, and what kind of pressure I am actually applying to the reed. I agree that it takes practice to really use the synth in an expressive way, but the basic sound should be there. Things would be different with controllers that actually measure a lot more physical parameters, but we don't have such.