I would like to be able to permanently change the starting preset to something of my liking. I know some workaround to accomplish this, but there's a catch to it.
One can technically browse the Arturia folder to PRESETS (eg. C:\ProgramData\Arturia\Presets) and edit the 'presets.featured' files stored there. I personally use a software named Notepad++ to do this. By editing the file you can have one of your own templates being opened by default.
Down here you can see the procedure if you're interested.
For example, let's say I want Pigments (or DX7 or whatever V collection synth you fancy at the moment) to start with my personal template setup everytime I launch it:
- I would create my init patch,with my go to sound engines, filters and stuff, name it 'Initialize' and save it in the user preset folder.
- Navigate to C:\ProgramData\Arturia\Presets\Pigments
- Open the 'presets.featured' file with Notepad++
- Inside it looks something like this:
<item path="/Pigments/Factory/Pigments 4.0/Really Long Keys"/>
<item path="/Pigments/Factory/Pigments 4.0/Corrupted Angels"/>
<item path="/Pigments/Factory/Pigments 4.0/The Punch"/>
You simply add this string at the beginning: <item path="/Pigments/User/your_bank_name/your_init_patch_name"/>
In my case it would look like this:
<item path="/Pigments/User/User/Initialize"/>
<item path="/Pigments/Factory/Pigments 4.0/Really Long Keys"/>
<item path="/Pigments/Factory/Pigments 4.0/Corrupted Angels"/>
<item path="/Pigments/Factory/Pigments 4.0/The Punch"/> - Save and enjoy. Repeat for all synths you own as needed
This method has a flaw: everytime there's an update to your synth, the update process overwrites the presets.featured file and you have to re-edit it again. That's annoying and I guess it would be easy to fix this behaviour.
The only other option is to recall your template everytime through the preset browser, which is a few seconds wasted everytime you make a new sound.
I guess the Arturia team wants people to load their synths and start jamming, but I find that after opening the same synth fot the 100th time that same featured preset is just annoying. Can we have a blank patch as permanent starting preset?