Hey all,
I just recently upgrade to the Arturia Minifuse 4. So far, I'm really liking the quality of everything, and believe I've learned my way around the interface and Minifuse Control Center for the most part.
My question is about the rear inputs, Input 3 and 4.
They are significantly quieter than my front Inputs 1+2. If I take the same instrument and plug it into the back and that device has its own volume, and I put it at 100% on that device, it still only hits like -36dB max. And then the only amount of gain I can add on top of that with the levels is +12dB which isn't enough.
Is this typically what one would expect? Are the back to Inputs even usable without getting some additional external pre-amp device or the like to boost the gain? Please let me know if I'm missing anything obvious or if this seems normal.
Best regards,