I've just completed a Cubase MIDI Device for the MicroFreak. It has both named patch selection and a remote/automation control panel.
You can install the device as follows:
- open the MIDI Device Manager
- click "Import Setup" and browse to wherever you stored the attached "Cubase_MicroFreak_Device.xml" file and select it
- select "MicroFreak" from the import dialogue and click "OK"
- select "Arturia MicroFreak" (or the MIDI port it is connected to) in the "Output" menu in the MIDI Device Manager window.
When installed, you can select the device in the track inspector, then you can open the panel and change patches from there.
You can name the presets to you liking by clicking the "e" in the panel toolbar, selecting "Patch Banks", ticking "Enable Edit" and editing the names in the patch treeview on the left (double click the names to edit them).