YES! I have this same problem. Funny enough, the keyboard firmware had to be updated to 1.1.10 because of their original velocity problem: the sharps being different than the natural notes. I can't tell you if that update was where this latest problem started or not, because the sharps/natural problem was way worse.
Now, in my case, only keys in the upper half of the bed seem affected. My easiest steps to reproduce are to play a C4 major triad at moderate volume; the E4 and G4 will randomly hit 127, with the G doing it a LOT. You can see in the attached screenshots the difference between playing in the problem area vs. a couple octaves lower.
The keyboard needs to be checked at the Labor and maybe needs to be repaired. Of course this service is not for free (Arturia charge me 80€) and the spare parts are not included on the bill.
Oh goodie! I can see my customer service nightmare future from here! Despite having fully registered through their services, I guess they need me to find the original receipt? So I'm gonna have to call the independent shop I bought this at and wade through their POS machine to get a copy, hell of a hassle. (Isn't this the point of registering the hardware with Arturia in the first place? For service?)
In addition to the old receipt, they asked for a video of the problem. Do you think that means "trash it on TikTok"? Because that seems likely to be more fun and rewarding. lol