I know this is an old post, but I’ve found several old requests like this one, requesting a global tuning interface for these software instruments - a lot of these requests remain unanswered. But I’ve also read that global tuning is available for the full-blown versions of several software packages. My question is why isn’t this considered a basic option for a basic set-up?
I bought the Arturia Essential 88-key controller for live performance, and I really like the Lab V keys that come packaged. I am not a programmer who has time to dig deep into the paramters and design new sounds. I do, however play live on a sound team and our leader insists on tuning to 444 Hz rather than 440. I’m forced to limit myself to my Steinberg Halion synth, and my other keyboardist comrad (who owns the same controller) is forced to use his Logic instruments for the same reason. I’m fine with Halion - it’s a great instrument, but it would be nice to be able to have some more options.
Will you guys consider being a little more competitive? I think you have a fantastic line-up of options. Just a global pitch setting would make the instruments a lot more user friendly for those of us in the live sound industry.