Hello all, I installed the modular v yesturday but already encounted a couple of problems. Can anybody please help?
I'm running an AMD 2200 with 1 gig ddr. Terratec EWS88MT. Cubase 5
My first hickup is: I should be able to run multiple instsances of this magnificent software but, even though I am sending my second instrument out of different channels and set up the midi port to recieve on a different channel, I am getting nothing out of the second. What have I missed?
My second hickup involves using the modular v within Cubase 5. Once running, I get audible glitches whenever I move the mouse, running two modules slows down the clock. Going by the 'minimum requirements', surely I have enough memory and cpu power? Any ideas please? (preferably ideas that don't involve spending more money on cpus and more memory)