Hello everyone.
Since a couple of weeks the first knob (from the left) on my arturia Keylab mkii stopped working properly.
I describe the problem:
Compared to the other knobs it take way much more rotation-time to go from min to max and the signal is interrupted, goes positive and negative (even keeping the rotation forward it goes backwards) making it impossible to use it.
I contacted the support and i received a mail of suggestions step by step which did not solve any problem.
This happens on DAW, arturia official instruments inside and outside daw, with VSTs, with VCV rack, with the midi console/monitor on the arturia midi control center, with restoring the unit to factory reset, with all the possible firmwares from the first to the latest, i also tried all different usb cables, short, long, not on usb hubs, the official arturia usb cable and so on. Still same problem... Whats frustrating is that the other knobs work perfectly (i wonder if the easiest would be to give up and assign the same CC of the cutoff to another one knob!!!!!).
Does somebody got the same problem and found some solutions for it??
Thanks a lot!!!!