This is one that I had suggested as a possible future V Collection member. I knew Arturia would be able to do good things with it. Yes, there are other Mellotron plugins around but Arturia have made this their own in a number of ways.
For a start the sound is cleaner and fuller than most other Mellotron options. In some ways it is nearer to an ideal Mellotron than a completely accurate model. On the real thing there were often huge differences between the samples on adjacent keys, some samples ended strangely (with a groan or a scrape) and some ended early. Often recordings of Mellotron strings sound harsh and strident - due to the amplification used, in a lot of cases. And, of course, they were notoriously unreliable. I only got to play a real 'tron once, rather briefly, but you felt aware of what was going on inside and how easily it could all break down.
This version is much smoother all round. Purists might possibly complain that it is too ideal but the essential feel of the Mellotron sound is still there and that is what most of us want.
And then they go and spoil us by giving us the ability to load and loop our own samples. This is what I've been doing and it is so easy, so fulfilling and gives a real Mellotron character. The real-time stretching takes a bit of CPU effort and I've found I need to increase my audio interface buffers to avoid crackling but it all renders just fine in the end.
I have to add that I love the new effects system, though I mostly add external effects in my DAW. It makes it easy to try things out.
Overall I love it! Thanks, Arturia