The Art of Dreaming bank has Multis, three of which involve Mellotron (Derealisation, Hypnos, Uncanny Valley).
After a minute max of playing, the Aanlog Lab meter (lower right corner) can go to 80% or110% leading to distorsion and clipping.
The Windows monitor show 24% to 30% memory load on a i7 with 16 gb quite streamlined.
Reinstalling the Scarlett 4i4 driver didn't change anything.
Since it's an AL Multi, it does not show in Mellotron's library but I rebuilt the Mellotron preset in Mellotron with the same three samples and added Pigment to simulate the Multi. No problem!
It's not a big problem. I don't want Arturia team to lose their time on this small problem. I contacted the technical team and the solution offered seemed to work. I don't want to bother them again.
Si quelqu'un peut le signaler à Arturia, si c'est utile, peut-être que ça les mettrait sur la piste d'un problème plus important.