I use KSP to play my modular (mono synth) over cv's out.
But I get some notes sending message to release my enveloppe in a weird way :
if I press an arpegiated chord 3 notes => last note is played and held (expected behaviour wiht "last" priority)
I release first note => last note is still held (expected behaviour)
I release second note => last note is not held (unexpected behaviour)
So.. in a series of held notes last note is held until two notes are left. At that moment releasing one of the two last notes sends a note off.
that not convenient :p because playing a mono melody, each previous note that held a bit to make a legato will kill the next note once released if not using a pedal.
is there a parameter to set somewhere ?
ha .. just reboot the KSP and it's working now.. so i guess a bug somewhere ?
... and it's back
i think it happens when i REC in sync with KSP slave. If I play a note before REC-play really started then this note off bug appear.
I tried all notes off (stop 3 times) doesn't help.
I'm wasting my time on this product. It's a nice toy if'r not professional. Back to the box. I'll come back in year see if something serious happen else ebay. Wonder what the P is in KSP.. KSProbably ? KSPotentially ?. Ah wait it's a french product so KSPoubelle.