I am using my KSP in a hybrid setup, controlling external hardware synths, as well as soft synths, in Cubase 10.5. I am unfortunately finding latency when dealing with the KSP sequencers, as they never stay 100% in time to the rest of my project. Over time, they seem to drift and get a little worse and adding more to my project, only exaggerates this. I would like it to stay a little more in time, to the grid.
I am using an RME Fireface 802 and like all RME devices, it runs on fantastic drivers, with VERY low latency. I usually run at a buffer size of 128, but can go as low as 48, if need be. The KSP is slaved to Cubase via midi clock.
I have my hardware synths setup as external instruments in Cubase, so that they are delay compensated and these stay in time perfectly to my project, or close enough, that it can't even be noticed as a problem, if they aren't. As of Cubase 10.5.20, midi clock is even delay compensated, greatly enhancing this functionality. Unfortunately however, the KSP doesn't seem to be following along nicely to this. I even created an external instrument for the KSP and routed midi clock through that from Cubase, but it doesn't really do much. The KSP just seems to work differently, then all my other external gear, when it comes to staying tight in time.
I don't necessarily blame the KSP and am not overly surprised, but figured under even basic projects, that it would play a little tighter in time. It makes it hard to get into things, when I can hear it is sloppy in timing.
Does anyone have any suggestions, or ideas, on how they may remedy this? Anything would be better than nothing. Is anyone else experiencing this, or is it just 'to be expected?'