« on: April 25, 2021, 09:04:41 pm »
I am trying to connect a Pioneer cassette deck to the line input but don't get any audio, when I press the phono button in the control centre it is distorted as this mode is for turntables. Is it not possible to connect a normal RCA line device other than a turntable into this input? I have also pressed PAD and the INST but don't get any audio.
Windows 10 Ryzen 7 8 Core Processor, 32gb Ram,Cubase Pro 11, Arturia Audiofuse Rev2, Arturia Drumbrute, Korg Kronos 2, Korg M1, Korg Volca FM, Behringer TD3, Roland TR-8, Roland MC-909, Roland W30, Roland MC303, Roland JX-03, ADAM A5X Monitors