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Author Topic: Shape knob resets to some random value in Sequencer mode  (Read 1019 times)


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Shape knob resets to some random value in Sequencer mode
« on: April 05, 2021, 05:22:49 pm »
Hi there!

I experience a strange bug when on Sequencer mode - the "Shape" amount will reset to some value 2 seconds after I tweaked it. I don't have any modulation routed to the Shape knob, and it happens independently from the synth engine I'm using. Would you please know how to overcome this issue?

Thanks a lot!!
Best regards,

PS: I'm on firmware 3.0


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Re: Shape knob resets to some random value in Sequencer mode
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2021, 02:40:24 pm »
Are you sure that the MOD sequence isn't running? You can check that with the "Oct | Mod" button and the four LEDs besides it. And you can clear the moculation sequence by holding  "Oct | Mod" + "hold" from the sequencer (very left button)


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