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Author Topic: Why did Arturia remove the Dual/Split function in Jup 8 v4  (Read 4117 times)

Jesse Pearson

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Why did Arturia remove the Dual/Split function in Jup 8 v4
« on: December 20, 2020, 11:22:36 pm »
Here's my update on the Jup 8v4...I purchased the upgrade because it was such a great deal and I'm very glad I did. The Jup 8 v4 is amazing sounding. It sounds so good I don't miss the dual/split function as much as I thought I would (But still miss it a little lol). The new engine is an analog sounding beast for sure. I have a hardware Juno 60 and the Jup 8v4 is just as analog sounding I feel. You can use Analog V to layer and split and save as a preset. The Stand Alone is still great without those functions because the sound is very good now. I thought is was good in v3, but v4 hits the sweet spot. My recommendation...Update and be amazed. Getting under the hood of all the Arturia vst Kybds etc and tweaking them and saving the tweaks as presets is where it's at. Thanks Arturia...You guys are the best. Can't wait to see what you come up with next year! :)
« Last Edit: January 09, 2021, 11:06:24 pm by Jesse Pearson »


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Re: Why did Arturia remove the Dual/Split function in Jup 8 v4
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2020, 12:14:31 am »
They did? Wow .... That is really really lame and inexcusable.
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Re: Why did Arturia remove the Dual/Split function in Jup 8 v4
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2020, 05:08:11 pm »
I agree with this complain... I like a lot the new design of J8, and it sounds terrific, but the lack of the Dual/Split mode it's rather surprinsing (and not a well received surprise). Let's hope it gets solved in next updates...


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Re: Why did Arturia remove the Dual/Split function in Jup 8 v4
« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2020, 12:34:33 pm »
Yes, that is a big mistake!  What were they thinking?

Dual and Split are very important features of the Jup-8. 

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Re: Why did Arturia remove the Dual/Split function in Jup 8 v4
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2021, 04:32:16 pm »
Here is the jup-8 product manager answer, explaining our choice :
To complete his answer, you can achieve exactly the same thing in Analog Lab with a multi preset. Or with two instances in your DAW.
There is nothing more in the way the original hw works than that, and at the time having a way to layer in a single machine was great, nowadays in a software there is less sense.


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Re: Why did Arturia remove the Dual/Split function in Jup 8 v4
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2021, 02:17:01 pm »
In fact even Roland, in Roland cloud "forgot" to implement Dual and Split mode on their Jupiter 8 Vst.
Fortunately TAL software did it in their TAL-J8. 8)
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