Hi Germain,
I didnīt encounter the freeze any more.
Maybe it was due to not turning off the Synth after the Firmware Upgrade - the Synth booted up by itself after the upgrade, so I figured
everything would work as intended.
One thing regarding freeze, though:
When I connected the Synth in my studio the first time, I connected it with all the Plugs at the back
including DIN-MIDI I/O.
With my Studios MIDI Environment, this created a MIDI FeedbackLoop, since the PolyBrute has a default State of DIN-MIDI I/O On.
The first few patches I played, I accidently sent the Synth into oblivion, especially with SequencerPatches.
Thatīs when it froze up a few times, too.
This went on a while, until I figured out, why it behaved so strangely and sluggish- it simply choked on itīs own MIDI-Data.
After removing the DIN-MIDI-In Cable, or Switching MIDI Input Off in the Settings, everything was ok.
But the MIDI Mirroring seems to be a Standard Arturia Problem:
With my Keystep Pro I have the same Problem, and there itīs not really solveable
since the Firmware doesnīt allow to switch off MIDI-Mirroring (yet?)...
Up until now, the Synth is running stable, every time Iīm using it...