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Author Topic: Chaining presets?  (Read 1646 times)


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Chaining presets?
« on: February 08, 2021, 12:22:03 pm »
I probably already know the answer, but it’s worth a shot...

I love making weird sequences on the MicroFreak, but I’m struggling to use them in an arrangement. I’m not really the type who’s excited enough about tweaking knobs as the main attraction when developing a sequence. I prefer subtle changes in rhythm, notes etc. For that, I need more than the A and B sequences. And as I like to have control over what I do, I don’t find the spice and dice functions that helpful tbh.

So I want to use multiple patches to make an interesting composition.

I tried chaining patches using program changes in Ableton, but this doesn’t work seamlessly as sequences get interrupted. So now I just record them all separately and use the audio tracks to arrange them. But this makes it quite cumbersome when you want to change a detail, so I would prefer to arrange them all in realtime.

Is there anyone with a clever idea how I could go about this?


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