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Author Topic: One hand mode (Shift always on)  (Read 1045 times)


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One hand mode (Shift always on)
« on: January 22, 2021, 01:10:21 am »
For a controller intended mainly for live performance, I find it incredibly inconvenient that one always has to hold shift in order to perform some of the most interesting functions.
The shift function is great because it allow buttons and keys to have a double function, but in order to perform the secondary function one needs to use both hands. In a live situation I have to control many other instruments and don't have this luxury.

There are functions that are meant for "producing" something beforehand and simply hitting play and enjoying it (like adjusting the gate of individual steps of a sequence) and others that are meant to be tweaked in a playful way while performing live. The Shift+Action approach is great for the former, but not so much for the latter.

I was very surprised when I received my keystep when I realized I can't transpose just by hitting a key. And how great would it be if one could change the time division of an arpeggio (1/16, 1/8 etc.), the scale or whatever, using one hand. The 2 hands approach is inconvenient and doesn't promote playfulness, its more for producing in the studio.

A user before me suggested incorporating a double click to the shift button and then it stays on. I'm sure there's other ways too. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems a very easy to add function, and it would open so many new possibilities, so it boggles my mind how this hasn't been addressed yet.


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Re: One hand mode (Shift always on)
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2021, 01:46:03 am »
Another possible solution could be hold+shift, and then shift stays on.
As for the one handed transpose function, hold+transpose could be a way to enter that mode


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Re: One hand mode (Shift always on)
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2021, 12:15:54 am »
I was JUST thinking about this the other day. It sure would be nice. I was thinking on the same lines as Yoreb, holding Shift for it to enter held mode.
And yeah. Hold Transpose would be very nice as well.
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