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Author Topic: Phase Knob for Mod Oscillator in Wavetable Engine  (Read 1080 times)


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Phase Knob for Mod Oscillator in Wavetable Engine
« on: December 14, 2020, 02:30:40 am »
Control over phase with audio rate modulation gives you much greater control over the sound. For example, Phaseplant, serum, and Vital, all have phase knobs that greatly effect the timbre of the sound when you're doing Frequency or Phase Modulation. Suppose you do audio rate LP filter frequency modulation using a square wave as mod osc and sawtooth as carrier (tuned to the same freq). if you look at this on an oscilloscope, you are filtering half of the waveform, the other half of the waveform is unaltered (lp filter is at 20k). Having control over the phase of the mod oscillator allows you to control which half of the waveform is filtered in that situation. In Pigments, you can wavefold or phase distort half of a waveform using the SQ wave mod osc, but you don't have control over which part of the waveform you are folding or distorting. Hope to see this in a future update, thank you for the fantastic synths and black friday + crossgrade discounts!


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