Thank you. I understand the process you've outlined as it should occur. What I don't understand is how each module when played on the KSP when I view them on you tube are playing separate different drum sounds on each of the keys pressed...which I'm unable to get in my set up...only the same drum sounds on any /all of the keys I play.
I apologize for misunderstanding you and providing you, with the wrong info.
Each track of the drum track, of the KSP, is assigned a different midi note value. While drum machines can certainly vary, depending on which and the amount of sounds present, a lot follow the same layout, where midi note number 35 is kick, 38 is snare, 42 is HH etc. What is likely happening is, your drum machines share (if not the same) midi note values for the triggers. In the Midi Control Center software, you can create custom drum maps, to have the KSP tailored to a particular drum machine, based on it's midi note number. Your drum machine hopefully has a midi implementation chart handy, where you can see which notes, trigger which sounds. Create a custom drum map based on the drum machine of choice, or if you want to mix and match drum machines, assign the triggers accordingly, so that some tracks trigger one drum machine, while other tracks, another drum machine. Any note values you don't need, assign a number that no drum machine will respond to, so there is no conflicts. If you tailor the custom drum machine to a particular machine, based on its midi note implementation and have it assigned to a channel outside of the others, you should be fine. Failing this, you likely won't be able to have all drum machines powered up simultaneously, especially if you don't plan on using them all, or will have to connect them differently, so they aren't all connected to the same midi port.
Hopefully in a future update, they will allow different midi channels to be assigned to each of the drum tracks, for even further customization, like they allowed on an update with the BSP.
I hope this helps.