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Author Topic: CV and Midi output?  (Read 2115 times)


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CV and Midi output?
« on: October 06, 2020, 07:02:19 pm »
Is there a documentation how the CV and Midi output works.

So the question is, is output of pitch post or pre quantized? The pitch bend is added to the pitch of the Keyboard or Midi but what about the pitch modulation?

Can someone put some lights in here?



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Re: CV and Midi output?
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2020, 07:07:27 pm »
To answer my own question. My Microfreak arrived today and I could do some testing on the CV pitch output with a chromatic tuner and my ears:
  • CV pitch output is following the pressed key, but not quantised to a scale
  • CV pitch output is following the pressed key in chord mode, but not quantised to a scale
  • CV pitch output is following the last pressed key in polyphonic mode, but not quantised to a scale
  • CV pitch output is following the Arp pattern, but not quantised to a scale
  • CV pitch output is following the Seq pattern, but not quantised to a scale
In my opinion this makes the Microfreak less usable in combination with Eurorack for example and does not match the expectation I had. I like to send the quantised CV pitch from there Arp/Seq to some VCOs in Eurorack to play in tune. But this is not working with the unquantised CV pitch output. The Arturia's marketing mentions exactly this setup together with Eurorack and other CV controlled synth. So why is the pitch output pre quantisation?
« Last Edit: October 11, 2020, 12:50:25 am by cbmainz »


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