The MicroFreak has its place, but I find that if you're looking for those "big" and "fat" sounds you get from a Moog (one example), or from most modular synth oscillator modules, you're not going to get them on the MicroFreak.
Personnaly it seemed to be a perfect box to use as a midi guitar expander.
Affordable price, small, reduced weight, many presets and some very original, ARP, midi, setup App and firmware updates to fix bugs and improve.
Quite ideal on the paper.... but.
Midi is a mess where the most common and standard messages are not implemented (all the other synths I've got implement CC7, preset select is implemented with an inverted convention for bank select -MSB and LSB convention inverted-, etc.).
Strange sound output when processor is pushed in its limits (ARP, SEQ, high midi input, etc.)
Mono is a limitation where most of the nowday instruments have stereo.
No clear path of evolution : Vocoder extension has been great for my usage, the other concerning wave tables implying too much work for my usage.
So it is still in my setup but due to all this special work it requires, it gets closer every day to the door...