I agree, something like this would be ideal for editing presets, but there is one issue with having it be like this permanently- as is, the hold preset and turn knob to show the current knob position vs the preset position, also acts as a clutch: the sound doesn’t change while you get the knob back into the preset position. Sometimes you don’t care what the preset setting was, you want the knob setting.
Some kind of latch for the preset value could solve the problem of having to hold the preset button down forever while you are setting the knobs to the preset. Or have the OP’s idea, of it being permanent behavior, only be like that when the pot behavior is set to “Hook” mode, where the sound doesn’t change until the pot move through the position the preset is at. Be great to know if you’ve “hooked” the pot yet. “Jump” mode is my preferred mode, I would want that to keep working the same- you touch a knob, you know that is where the sound is at now.