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Author Topic: Uneven Key Bed  (Read 2844 times)


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Uneven Key Bed
« on: August 25, 2020, 04:53:51 am »
Hey there, I got my MB2 about 6-7 weeks ago; I love it and it sounds great.

There were a couple of aesthetic mishaps I have noticed since unboxing it:

1. The triangle waveform slider cap was on crooked. I ended up fidgeting with it cause it was bothering me and I got it to seat normally by applying pressure to the uneven side of the cap.

2. I noticed that there are about 6-7 white keys that are either slightly raised or lower than the remaining 8-9 white keys. In addition to this, a couple of the keys that are slightly raised or lower from the rest of the keys appear to be slightly angled left-to-right. The keys aren’t touching each other, but I can foresee something like that happening after more use.

Other than these two cosmetic issues, the synth is great.

I posted a picture of the key bed (download for better quality) at eye level where you can notice the uneven key bed.  I also posted a picture of the under side of 3 keys. You can see where the keys meet, they are closer to each other on one side than the other. This is also noticeable from the top side of the keys. They appear to be crooked or slightly angled tbh, perhaps not seated correctly? The sound and function of the synthesizer is not affected by any of this. Not a huge deal as they don’t scrape or touch when played, just slightly concerned about the quality of the key bed because of this.

I don't want to make a big deal about it, because I realize it's an analog instrument; in an analog world, nothing is going to be perfect.  I'm just wondering if this is normal and to be expected, or if anybody else has noticed this on their MB 2?  If this is out of the ordinary, then I'd like to see what can be done to resolve or fix it.  But if this is totally normal, then I'll be happy to accept that answer and move on. 

I have a MB1 and the key bed isn’t perfect on it either, but it is much more even than this key bed.  I also have a Moog Grandmother that has one slightly uneven key...perhaps that’s just how it goes.

I reached out to the supplier that I bought the synthesizer from to mention my concerns and they let me know they would work with me for up to 45 days, which would have been August 19th, I missed the deadline on that.  They told me I would need to work with Arturia from this point forward, which I'm actually happy about because I'd rather work with Arturia directly than deal with a middle man. 

Anyway, I'm looking forward to discussing this with the rest of the community and any Arturia folks. 

Alex Allred
« Last Edit: August 25, 2020, 04:57:59 am by alexallred »


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Re: Uneven Key Bed
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2020, 01:57:50 pm »

This is just the way it is with mass-produced electronics.
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