Hi Olxol,
a) what's the concrete problem?
b) exist's the problem in MAC OS or in Windows?
I was able to install it by following the steps under:
https://www.arturia.com/support/minilabmkiiquickstartYou have to register an UVI account and an iLOK-Account and in my case (Win10) i had to install the UVI Workstation x64 and the UVI Grand Piano.
For Win10-User:
While the installation process will occur under an administrator account first i have not seen UVI Grand Piano when i was starting UVI Workstation X64 as normal user.
You have to go to preferences -> SoundBanks and add: C:\ProgramData\UVI Soundbanks to the search path where Grand Piano Model D.ufs ist located.
After a restarting UVI Workstatsion X64 i found "Gand Piano Model D" in Section "Soundbanks"
Hope this will help you .... an sorry for my bad english