Running into an issue with a MIDI chain, and I've gone through the settings and cannot seem to locate what is causing the issue. I really hope its not something totally obvious that I just missed.
I'm running a sequence out of an OP-Z to a Microfreak and then out of the MF to a Microvolt 3900. If I use the OPLAB MIDI outs then the Microfreak picks up on the correct channel (6), and so does the Microvolt (5). However, if I connect the OP-Z to the Microfreak over USB the Microfreak sends any MIDI instructions it gets to the Microvolt regardless of channel. If I send instructions on channel 5 the MF correctly ignores them, but if I send on a channel the MF is listening for then the MF plays but also echoes the notes on. I assume since this behavior doesn't happen over strictly MIDI it is something to do with USB but I haven't been able to get it figured out. I've changed changing the MIDI MERGE options as well as turning off LOCAL in case that was the issue.