About your issue #1, we could not reproduce on our side, if the problem persist please contact the support (if you can manage to have a crashlog that would be great)
About your issue #2, the delay presets will be fixed in the next update, sorry for the inconvenience.
About your issue #3, the animation optimizations we made for 7.2 lighten up the CPU consumption but need more GPU instead, so it depends on your GPU more than before. Also in Pigments the refresh rate is limited to 32fps, that's why you can see that sort of aliasing.
Finally, about the last part, as davew said we display the real value of the LFO when it has a SnH amount not null : that's why the point can be out of the LFO course. It's a feature, not a bug, even though i agree it's not easily understandable.