"My Arturia" apparently uses hazard warning visual conventions to tell user they have an up-sell available to a more expensive version of a product?
It looks like this:
https://ibb.co/fFDPDjmA bright red hazard warning triangle and then a message in bright red next to it.
As far as I can tell, it just means Analog Lab Lite can be upgraded to the full version if the customer pays extra.
If that's correct: It's inappropriate to use the visual conventions of a warning when there is nothing wrong.
Why? (Besides that it strikes me as rude and annoying.)
I have a friend Kevin who knows nothing about computers and wants to start making electronic music.
We recommended Arturia to him.
He bought a Minilab, a Keylab Essential 61, and the entire V Collection.
I installed Analog Lab & the V Collection for him because, again, he knows nothing about computers.
I told him he didn't need to install anything else from Arturia.
Then yesterday at midnight he messaged me in a panic that he'd wrecked his computer. What I found out later was, he was looking in My Arturia and saw the hazard warning visuals and he thought that meant he had to install something else. He tried installing things from your website because he was trying to make the "warning" go away. And after that his computer (Windows 10) became largely locked up and unusable. Spotify wouldn't work, fan running full blast when he wasn't doing anything, etc. He couldn't do the Zoom call he had scheduled.
I just spent most of 2 hours of my time to figure out the problem and fix it. From looking at Add/Remove Programs and sorting by date, it looks like what got installed was MIDI Control Center, the Microfreak USB driver, and an out of date version of the Visual C++ Redistributable. I uninstalled all that, and installed an up to date version of the Redistributable, and his problem went away. It's making me wonder if it's safe for me to recommend your software again to computer novices like that.