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Author Topic: How to Synchronize Analog Lab 4 Arpeggiator with Logic Pro X Tempo?  (Read 2386 times)


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I saw a few posts regarding Analog Lab 2 and getting the tempo in my DAW (Logic Pro X) to synchronize correctly with the various preset arpeggiators, but no solution for Analog Lab 4, and nothing that seemed to work. Not sure what I'm missing, but the preset ARPs are all useless unless I record them manually as audio and then attempt to sync my project to them. I'd really hope that Analog Lab 4 could, at least, allow for tempo sync.


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Hi and welcome to Arturia forums.

Analog Lab does'nt have an own arpeggiator. Analog Lab have presets that are midi synced and some that are not. If and how you can cahnge it depend on how they are programmed. You need the full individual application from where the preset is made to change things like this.

Can you mention a preset that's not synced please? Just to check and to be sure, that it's about that.

Keep in mind, that Analog Lab more is a host for synths and keys and not one it self. You have some control over the sound, but you need the full individual applications in which the presets are made to have full control.
For the money you have many sounds and many possibilities with Analog Lab alone. The full applications you own can be used by them self, and also be opened inside Analog Lab.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2020, 06:42:31 pm by LBH »


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That actually helps a lot to make more sense of it.

I'm using, as an example, the Preset called "Arpesque" (uses the Jup-8). It has some sort of arpeggiator set up somewhere in the instrument, and I love it. Just want to adjust the tempo of it to match my host DAW.

Looks like I'm limited to whatever it's locked into, since I can't pull in the preset or instrument without purchasing the whole lot.

Would be nice, though; it certainly makes the sequences/arpeggio-infused presets very limited in use scope without upgrading.


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The JUP-8 Arpesque presets arpeggio is'nt midi synced. I can't tell for sure, why it is'nt. I can tell, that it's set to 418 BPM.

In generel there can be different reasons to why a preset is'nt midi synced. Many presets from different vendors is'nt midi synced.

If you render a none midi synced arpeggio/ sequence preset to audio in your DAW, then your DAW may have a audio strecth feature to make the audio match any tempo without changing pitch. So that's a way to go around this. But a DAW feature like this, may also only be in the most exspensive version of the DAW, or at least not in the cheapest version, if there are different versions of the DAW.

I think it's obvious and fair, that you should'nt be able to do the same as in the full applications for less money in Analog Lab, if you only own Analog Lab.


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