The JUP-8 Arpesque presets arpeggio is'nt midi synced. I can't tell for sure, why it is'nt. I can tell, that it's set to 418 BPM.
In generel there can be different reasons to why a preset is'nt midi synced. Many presets from different vendors is'nt midi synced.
If you render a none midi synced arpeggio/ sequence preset to audio in your DAW, then your DAW may have a audio strecth feature to make the audio match any tempo without changing pitch. So that's a way to go around this. But a DAW feature like this, may also only be in the most exspensive version of the DAW, or at least not in the cheapest version, if there are different versions of the DAW.
I think it's obvious and fair, that you should'nt be able to do the same as in the full applications for less money in Analog Lab, if you only own Analog Lab.