I think I've requested this before somewhere, but can't find it, and I'm back working on the same thing again.
It would be amazing to be able to map pads on a pad controller to be able to mute drums on Track1.
I have set things up so that lights on a pad controller light up with the drum notes being sent from the sequencer, and that is wicked.
I can also drum on those pads and it'll overdub those sequences - especially great when the KSP is on track 2-4, controlling a melodic sequence on some synths and I want to have some drum control with my left hand on a secondary controller.
But it would be amazing if I could mute drum sounds from this external controller.
Sure I can map mutes to the destination device, but having an integrated approach would be nice.
I can go to track 1, hold shift and mute drum lanes on the KSP using the keyboard.
but if I could remotely mute/unmute those sounds from an external device, either by sending notes on another midi channel or by sending notes on the same channel but in a different octave range....
That would be a super slick setup!
If it's not too hard to do, I think it would be really cool <3