It has been almost a month since you posted.
The preset you use is'nt a factory preset.
The thing is, that i try to find out what you ask about? Are you having an issue or not?
Are you sending notes to the preset from a DAW, while you try to play the same preset in the same instance? Having a look at it again, then i think you are doing this, and that you are not having issues.
I believe the used presets playmode is UNISON. A unison preset can ony play one note at a time. So you have to use multiple instances so the DAW can play one note in one instance, and you can play another note in another instance. In that regard then it's true, that you can do like gphantom suggest. But you can also in any DAW just use multiple tracks with a new Analog Lab instance on each track loaded with the same preset. But i actually thought you knew about that.
You should not have behaviors like this in all Analog Lab presets, unless you you have issues of some kind. Any preset that's not in monophonic or unison playmode and can play multiple notes, should not give this behavior, and you say it's not about a certain preset for you, so i must understand, that you have this behavior with all presets, and then you perhaps are not sending notes from the DAW to Analog Lab in your video. You don't tell.
So i'm still not sure, that i understand and answer, what you ask about. If not, then you must explain more precise and detailed.
EDIT: Also look at my reply to your other thread here: EDIT END.