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Arturia Forums

Author Topic: CHAN button flickering  (Read 1839 times)

Mathieu R

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CHAN button flickering
« on: April 30, 2020, 06:15:07 pm »
The CHAN button on my BeatStep is flickering randomly, sometimes staying on or off for several seconds before flickering again. Needless to say it makes the Beatstep pretty much unusable as a controller, as any pad touched while the flickering is happening just changes the MIDI channel instead of triggering or turning on the pad.

I've opened the device up and there are no visible cracks or issues with the circuit board or the contacts (nothing wrong with the USB jack, for example).

The device is not under warranty anymore and I don't mind hacking or mangling it a bit. I'm wondering what I could do to completely disable that button (I only ever use the device on channel 1, so I could do without that function anyway). Any suggestion about how I could do that?


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