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Author Topic: Another issue with the sound quality... ENV2 leaks the sustain.  (Read 1218 times)


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Another issue with the sound quality... ENV2 leaks the sustain.
« on: December 29, 2019, 12:39:28 am »
Pigments is an amazing synth. But the sound quality is not there yet.

I discovered that ENV2 (and I guess ENV3 as well) leak the sound when the sustain is set to zero.
Very easy to reproduce. Just use one oscillator (a Saw wave) and set its volume to zero and then assign it to ENV2 (100%). Set a short decay (plucky like) and the sustain to zero. Make sure that the AMP Env is set to 100% sustain (or 100% decay). With this setup, the ENV2 will be controlling the Oscillator envelope. However, even though the ENV2 sustain is set to zero, there is still audible leaking in sustain!

I never expected to get all these quality issues from Arturia. :( I think that apart from programmers, there must be some audiophiles involved during the beta testing to evaluate the sound quality.

P.S: An audio sample and preset attached.

« Last Edit: December 29, 2019, 12:44:49 am by Igro »


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Re: Another issue with the sound quality... ENV2 leaks the sustain.
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2019, 03:07:53 am »
I think, that what you exsperience is, that all the modulators in the center strip give a little modulation if they are'nt set to 0.00 modulation. This can be audioble, unless you do something to avoid that.

That said, then in which real world sound case would you on a pluck sound like this modulate the wavetable volume only, leave the Filter cutoff at maximum, have full sustain on the Amp envelope and hold the note at the same time, even after the pluck sound you wan't have played it's pluck cycle? Especially if you are nor satisfied with the result, and you can do something avout it.

If you in example also let the same envelope modulate the Engine 1 Output volume instead of setting this to +12 db, then you'll get no output ("leak") at all.
There are many things you could modulate to avoid your "leak", and get the result you wan't.
The two easiest ways would be:
1. if you simply did'nt use modulators at all, but just the VCA Amp to shape the pluck
2. or in example just select the ENV2 as modulator for the AMP MOD, unless you have other usage for the AMP MOD.

But yes - as said, then all the modulators in the center strip including the envelopes apparantly give a little modulation just by being "switched" on, so to speak.
I can't tell, if it is chosen by design or an oversigt or bug, that just activating a modulator with a negtive or positive value give a modulation even if the given modulator is at a zero point. Perhaps Arturia will tell. That would be nice. It 's not something one exspect.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2019, 03:27:20 am by LBH »


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Re: Another issue with the sound quality... ENV2 leaks the sustain.
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2019, 02:06:25 pm »

Firstly, I hope that the preset I attached was loaded properly in your Pigments. Because when I load my own 'exported' preset, the Pigments just load the default preset. This issue was confirmed before by a few other users.

What do you mean by center strip? If you mean the modulation overview, then only the Env2 is set to 100.
Also, I do this that way, because I create my own snares. Where the sine is modulated by env2 and noise by env3. Only with this setup I can treat them separately. So this setup is with a purpose. Other synths don't this. So this sustain leakige is a bug.


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Re: Another issue with the sound quality... ENV2 leaks the sustain.
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2019, 04:37:15 pm »
Hi Igro,

As i have said before in the forums, then i have had no issues with with export and import of presets. That's why i can mention details in your preset.
Are you saying, that you does'nt get the preset loaded into the application at all?

About the snares, then you have this thread, where i have written a post with my view:
As i recall it, then i dont think, i noticed that Pigments 1 had the modulator leak, when i tested in that thread. I can't remember.

The Center Strip is the strip in the middle of the application with all the modulators. The Modulation Section. It's called the Center strip in the manual: "11.1.1. Center strip: three views".
As i wrote with more details, then it's all the modulators that have the leak you describe. Not just the envelopes. I'm trying to help Arturia to investigate this.
The leak behavior is unexspected, and i would say, that it should not be there. If i in example set the Sustain in ENV2 land the SUstain is set to zero like you do, then i would say, that there should be no modulation going on, no matter the modulation range set.

EDIT: When i say modulation amount in my posts for the Center Strip modulators, then i should have used the word range instead of amount.  That might be more correct and give a better understanding. It's strange a set range in it self give a little modulation, even if the modulators amount is at a zero point - like when  a envelope sustain is set to zero.  EDIT END
« Last Edit: December 29, 2019, 09:59:28 pm by LBH »


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