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Author Topic: Keylab - Ableton, Split Keyboard, Remove Sustain on Left Hand  (Read 2489 times)


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Keylab - Ableton, Split Keyboard, Remove Sustain on Left Hand
« on: December 23, 2019, 09:21:10 am »
When playing live, I cannot figure out how to do this with the Arturia keyboard in Ableton.  I want the right hand to have sustain, but not the left hand.


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Re: Keylab - Ableton, Split Keyboard, Remove Sustain on Left Hand
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2019, 07:46:57 pm »
Hi and welcome to Arturia forums.

Have a look at this: https://forum.arturia.com/index.php?topic=92636.0
« Last Edit: December 23, 2019, 11:18:04 pm by LBH »


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Re: Keylab - Ableton, Split Keyboard, Remove Sustain on Left Hand
« Reply #2 on: December 24, 2019, 02:20:50 am »
I am familiar with instrument racks, chain selector and mapping midi in Ableton.  However, when attempting to map my sustain pedal the chain selector, this simply does not work because when you do that, the sustain pedal simply becomes an on/off switch for the instruments - it no longer acts as a sustain pedal.  Would really appreciate a plug-in that works in Ableton to have the ability to stop the sustain pedal from affecting one of the voices in a split keyboard.  I've seen this request over and over again and no one has an answer except for MAC users using the IAC driver and I am using Windows and nothing similar is available.  The only way around I have found it is to choose a virtual instrument for the left hand that will not react to a sustain pedal push. 

Please STOP the quizzes for which I DO NOT KNOW THE ANSWER TO so that I can post.  I am NOT a keyboard genius and I find this extremely frustrating.


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Re: Keylab - Ableton, Split Keyboard, Remove Sustain on Left Hand
« Reply #3 on: December 24, 2019, 03:39:55 am »
There are controllers that can make a split and only use sustain pedal on one part. But i think they all are more exspensive controllers than a Essential controller.
I use Windows, and my old Novation SL MKII controller can do that. It was Novations top range controller for years.
And without having Arturias Keylab MKII controller, then it can do split where each part have seperate midi channel, and you can set midi channel for the sustain pedal, so it look like it can do it too, if you select the midichannel one part is using.

In Analog Lab you can set up a multi preset with 2 sounds. The sound can be the same in both parts. And then you can set the note range for each part and select if a part shall use sustain pedal or not. This can be done using only one midi channel.
This only work for Arturias applications.

There perhaps can be ways in a DAW to set note ranges and filter out sustain pedal messages in one way or another. Perhaps even like Analog Lab does it.
I don't use Live, so i can't test the suggested solution in the other thread, that i mainly linked to because there was answers about Essential from Arturia.

Some plug-ins have a selector to use the sustain pedal messages or not.

I will not rule out there are other ways.

A midi tool that can direct a control to do something else is'nt enough, as you wan't the sustain to work for one part but not for another.

There is simply something wrong somewhere, if a sustain pedal does'nt act correct.


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Re: Keylab - Ableton, Split Keyboard, Remove Sustain on Left Hand
« Reply #4 on: December 25, 2019, 12:39:38 am »
Thank you for your help, after much research and experimentation, I found a workaround.  Not my preference, but will work for me.  I use backing tracks that were all created in Ableton with virtual instruments, as well as background vocals with audio.  If you play live without backing tracks, or don't have some way to play in time, this will not work for you.  The idea is to not use the sustain pedal at all when playing live because the use of the sustain pedal has been automated.  To do this, you play and record the part that you want sustain on and use the sustain pedal as you record.  This records your performance, along with the sustain pedal messages.  Then you delete all the midi notes on that track and play without a sustain pedal, but the sustain messages that you recorded will still be there and will work as you play along with that track.  (You will have to "play" the performance, of course.)

You can view and adjust your sustain message recordings in Ableton and it can be done in either Session view or Arrangement view.  Highlight the clip you want to view, (in Arrangement view, be sure to highlight the top bar of the clip), you may have to press SHIFT-TAB to see the midi notes.  In the "Clip", window there is a little yellow icon at the bottom that opens and closes the "Envelopes" window.  Choose: "Midi Crtl" - and under that, choose: "64 Hold Pedal.  The bright blue areas show you sustain performance.  If you have a track where you want to remove all the sustain, just drag your mouse along the bottom which is "0".

IN ADDITION - The "Monitor" on the track has to be on "Auto" and armed during playback in order for this to work.  "Monitor" set to "In" will not work.

Have a nice Christmas.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2019, 09:32:07 pm by K_Sac »


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Re: Keylab - Ableton, Split Keyboard, Remove Sustain on Left Hand
« Reply #5 on: December 25, 2019, 09:44:36 pm »
Your welcome.

It's good, if you have found a way that works for you.

Merry christmas to you too.


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