Although some of these have been mentioned elsewhere, I gather them here for visibility and discussion. Some of these are already on the MB2S, and the flagship shouldn't be behind in useful sequencer features:
- Sequencer: Edit and display notes. Display notes on the patch number display, when playing or selecting a step and when holding a Step button and turning the Mod Amount knob to edit the note value for the step.
- Sequencer and MxArp: Hold Accent button while turning the Mod Amount knob to edit the velocity value for the accented step.
- Sequencer and MxArp: Hold Slide button while turning the Mod Amount knob to edit the gate length for the step, the Gate knob would then be a relative adjustment.
- Sequencer and MxArp: Ratcheting. Hold Step button and press 1/4, 1/8, 1/16 or 1/32 for 1,2,3 and 4 repeats. When the Step button is held the division LEDs could light or flash to indicate the current setting.
- Seq, Arp and MxArp: Selectable end step repeat for the Fwd/Rev mode (System setting? Or better yet, per patch setting.)
- Sequencer: Ability to delay the next selected pattern until the current reaches its end (System setting?).
- Sequencer and MxArp: Rotate the sequence. E.g. hold SEQ Length and press the Left or Right arrow buttons to rotate by one step.
- Sequencer and MxArp: Ability to activate Seq/Arp for mod only. So you can hold a note and it will run through a modulator sequence (simply enabled by not entering any notes?).