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Arturia Forums

Author Topic: BSP - ABLETON - EDIT MIDI CLIPS  (Read 1309 times)


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« on: October 21, 2019, 07:27:00 am »
Hi all,

I think i am confused about what the BSP can do.

I am trying to create a midi clip using a USB connected BSP and using the DRUM sequencer on MIDI CHANNEL 10.
So, in ableton, create a midi track with a drum rack , or a maschine, or a battery, .... set to CHANNEL 10 MIDI IN. ( Got that working )

Great , that works, when sequencing drums , press record on the clip, it recieves the midi data and records the notes.
( using the MIDI CLOCK SYNC DELAY to get the quantizing better )
This was step 1, getting midi data from BSP into a drumclip in ableton.

But now, i want to edit the drumpattern.
So i want to select the midi clip in ableton and see visual feedback ON THE BSP, so i can edit the recorded midi pattern.
But the BSP does not have any notes or drums sequenced coming from ableton.

Is this only a 1 way connection ?
Is it impossible to do what i want ?

Is the BSP sequencer only used to send notes TO a DAW, and not be able to playback a clip back from a DAW to the BSP.

I have this plugin for the APC20, which does just that.
(https://www.ableton.com/en/packs/apc-step-sequencer/ )
You open a midi clip, and midi data from that clip is represented on the APC20, and you can edit notes, delete, or add them realtime.

I cant wrap my head around this, did i set it up wrong ?
Can anybody please elaborate me on this topic, as there is no use for my BSP if there is no birectional communication.

Thank you very much fellow audiogeeks.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2019, 09:05:43 am by Brambo »


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« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2019, 09:04:02 am »
I think i am asking things that are not possible.

Or do i have to ask the question differently ?
How do you erase midi notes ?

I need a full on midi clip step sequencer for ableton. with visual bi-directional communication, so what i see in the midi clip/BSP, i see and can edit/erase/add in stepsequencer/and or ableton MIDI clip.
Push 2 seems to be offering what i need, but at a pricetag i can't afford at the moment.

Anyone ? :)


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