As per the polarity contradiction, I followed the back of the unit for which is positive and which is negative. It worked just fine using a power supply up to spec (9v positive pin, negative barrel). Until it didn’t. It just stopped one day. I’m Going to try opening her up today. Hopefully it’s a solder joint issue, something I’m experienced in fixing. As for USB power supply via the mini plug: just, yuck. It’s not dependable enough for, really, anything. How many times have I plugged in a device to charge overnight, only to wake up and find said device dead, as the plug again wiggled it’s way out on its own. Either completely disconnected, or disconnected just enough that it no longer makes a circuit. USB was barely adequate as it is, but mini USB? You’d think the minds that came up with laptops, apps, smart phones, and midi, would’ve/could’ve come up with a better idea than just the silicone valley version of taping two bare wires together with old band aids. I mean... c’mon. Really?
Anyone solve this problem? It obviously occurs often enough. I’d hate to crack her open and either not solve the problem, find the problem unsolvable this route, or worse: break the device in the process of trying to fix it (we don’t know what we don’t know, until we do) and not have it work via 9v OR the mini USB. That would SO stink.
Any/all input will be greatly appreciated.
Arturia forever!