December 22, 2024, 05:47:44 am
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Arturia Forums

Author Topic: Pigments FX Section Available as an FX plugin (a la Serum, Zebra, Absynth, FM8)  (Read 1995 times)


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It would be really nice if Pigments came with a separate plugin that was just the audio effects that could be used to process audio and other instruments.
MANY popular synths have this as a feature. The following synths all install a VST fx plugin in addition to the instrument:

  • 1. Serum - SerumFX plugin can be installed in addition to the instrument plugin. Serum Patches can be loaded to apply the processing from that patch as an audio effect.
    2. Zebra2 - The Zebra2 installer also installs a plugin version called Zebrify which can be used as an audio effect.
    3. FM8 - Comes with the FM8 MFX plugin. Same as above, can be used as an audio effect.
    4. Absynth 5 - Comes with Absynth 5 MFX plugin. Same as above...

I'm sure there are many, many other examples.

Please consider including something like a "Pigments3 FX" plugin that can be used as an audio effect.

Screenshots of the actual audio plugin versions mentioned above are shown below...


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+1, 2, 3 .... infinity.  Sorry, got carried away. 

Absolutely!  Would really love to have this!!


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Hi zeddsdeadbaby !

Yes i also miss this feature, it is logged in our database.
I hope it will be part of a future update.
QA Technician


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+1 here.
Many little vst synths I own do not have the capability of modulating effects. Pigments can do it, so having that kind of terrific visual modulation army at our disposal for 3x3x3 effects (including a screaming filter, a multibandcomp/exp, 17 distortion algorythms, multiple delays etc) would be the nicest Christmas gift  from Arturia to us music children!   :)


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