In a patch named Africa Main Brass 2 the Aftertouch is assigned a kind of cut off, so the sound get's a lot brighter when AT is engaged. In the MIDI assignment page there is no indication of this.
Now I want to assign another CC to this function but how can I do that if I can't see how it's set-up?
Hi and welcome to Arturia forums.
I can't say anything specific about the preset you mention, as i don't have it.
But the Brilliance parameters affect both the HPF and the LPF in the Filter section. So it is cutoff.
Above the keyboard - just right of the "original" preset buttons you find 3 performance levers where the green lever "Brill" is Brilliance. You can assign a CC to this lever and thus control the overall Brilliance with that. Unless you remove the Brilliance settings in the Touch Responce section, then you will have both to affect the sound.
You can also assign Midi CCs to the greeen "Brill" (Brilliance) sliders in the Touch Response section MajorFubar mention.
"Initial" is the amount of Brilliance the initial Velocity add to the settings you have for HPF and LPF in the filter section. "After" is the amount Aftertouch add.
(Keep in mind that you unlike the original CS-80 have the option to choose to use LPF and/ or HPF using the grey buttons in the filter section. If you in example disable the HPF, then the Brilliance arameters only affect the LPF.
If you deselect both HPF and LPF, then you bypass the filter.)