I decided to buy an MF and received it earlier this week. Updated the firmware and had a play.
Initial out of box testing was with the MF alone and I noticed that most of the sequences will run when a key is pressed - transposed of course. This is a good thing. I was therefore extremely curious to see what happens when I send notes from a KMI 12 Step...
1. Arp runs from external source - YES (we knew that)
2. Sequence runs from external source note triggers - YES YES YES!
Resounding success!
The 12 Step has several modes - normal (notes play while key is pressed), legato (next key turns off previous key), hold (hold notes until cancelled), toggle (note on until key is pressed again). All of these modes work perfectly. So I can put the 12 Step in a patch set to toggle, program one of the keys to play a note that plays the sequence at the correct pitch (no transposing) and walk away while it runs. When I want the sequence to stop, I just toggle the key off. Of course then I can program different keys to transpose if I desire.
So at this stage it looks like I don't need any external hardware Start/Stop to trigger sequences. This is a BIG WIN. Thanks Arturia.
The next question: Is there any way to switch between sequences A/B on the fly other than pressing the button on the unit? Like for example sending a CC? If not, I can always have two presets with identical settings and different A sequences and switch those on the fly. It would be nice to be able to have a footswitch through my ES-8 set to send a certain value to a CC to do this.
Can't have everything, but what I have at this stage is more than enough.