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Author Topic: Using BSP with an additional Arturia Controller  (Read 2102 times)


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Using BSP with an additional Arturia Controller
« on: July 31, 2019, 06:23:49 am »
Hey All,

New BSP owner/user here.  I've found with Propellerhead Reason that it can't seem to figure out how to control
the MIDI channels to tracks like other DAWs can such as Bitwig and Studio One.

However, I did find that if I run Studio One and use its Rewire to slave Reason, I can get Reason to play the correct
MIDI channels.  There is a caveat though.

The caveat is that I'm not able to use the BSP Control encoders to move any of the knobs in a Reason instrument.
For instance, I open the Noise Engineerings rack extension Ataraxic Iteritas Vereor and when I right click on one
of its knobs on the screen to control it with a remote control surface, Reason is not seeing the BSP.  The BSP
appears to be locked out by Studio One.

If I close Studio One and open Reason directly, Reason will work with the BSP's encoders.  Also, in Studio One,
the BSP encoders can be assigned to various VST knobs & it works great.  I just can't use the BSP Control encoders
through the Rewire.

So I was thinking: what if I got the Arturia Minilab Mk2 and I configured that to work with Reason?  That way when
I run Studio One, Studio One will be controlled by the BSP and its sequencers can transmit to Reason successfully
via Rewire to specific channels 1, 2, & 10.  Next, on the Reason slave console, I have it loaded up with being
controlled by the Arturia Minilab Mk2.  I should be able to then use the Minilab to control various encoder/knobs
within Reason devices as they are run through the sequencer.

Has anyone tried anything similar to this?   Such as using two Arturia USB/MIDI products together with perhaps two
different DAWs or even a single DAW?   What were the results? 

Right now, it looks like a good way to get around Reason's limitation with setting up specific MIDI channels per track.
I've tried the codecs, loopMIDI, as well as connecting directly to MIDI via the Audio Interface, but I can't outsmart
Reason.  It always seems to use Omni Channel no matter what I do to change it.  Whereas Studio One and Bitwig have
software options to force each track to read from a specific channel & they work eloquently.



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Re: Using BSP with an additional Arturia Controller
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2019, 10:42:58 pm »
If you are using a PC, this is easily explainable. Microsoft only supports a single MIDI connection to any given USB-MIDI or DIN-MIDI channel. Most synths and controllers provide both USB and MIDI so you get two channel connections. I generally boot up and connect my synths (e.g. Arturia Minibrute +other vendors) and controllers (BSP and KS) to the MIDI Control software, and then use the DIN connections (through a MOTU) for the music signals.

For your problem a useful tool might be MIDI-OX (can be downloaded free). It is a software package that allows multichannel routing of MIDI outside of the Windows core. It has a graphical patch app that allows you to make multiple connections to anything you want. Then you can use the Reason (or other software) to select inputs and outputs.


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